Webcam 101: How to Succeed as a Webcam Model?
How to Succeed as a Webcam Model?
How to Succeed as a Webcam Model?
How to Succeed as a Webcam Model?

How to Succeed as a Webcam Model?

So, you are thinking of becoming a webcam model, don’t know where to begin really and you want to know how to succeed as a webcam model before you start. That’s a very good idea and one way to guarantee a great shot at long term success. Education is the key. Many girls mistakenly think they just turn on a google chrome laptop and work a few hours and make a great living. That’s pretty far from the truth. Webcamming for a living is tough work. It is highly competitive and while it’s true you can work 5 to 10 hours a week and make a few hundred dollars every week doing so, if you REALLY want to earn a full time, six figure living year after year and even become debt-free, that’s going to take drive, determination and a real desire to change your life to accomplish. The GREAT news is if you have that drive and determination to make a $100k a year or MORE, webcam is only of the very FEW legal ways you can do that without a college degree.

How to Succeed as a Webcam Model? First, protect your income by choosing the right studio to guide you. There a a LOT of fly-by-night webcam recruiters out there and you must be weary of companies that take any more than 4% as a webcam studio. ASK THEM, WHAT PERCENTAGE DOES YOUR WEBCAM STUDIO TAKE FROM MY CHECK EACH WEEK. If it’s MORE than 4%… RUN AWAY! They are in it for the short term and are more interested in their commission, than your success! Reputable companies out there include our sister company and 16 year webcam industry leader CamSharks Recruiting as well as a VERY small handful of others. At TheWebcamAcademy, we specialize in helping models get going or re-energize their shows. We provide full and free webcam model training offered by all time TOP income producing chat hosts in the world of webcam. We want to help you succeed!

How to Succeed as a Webcam Model? You’ll need to be able to set a real working schedule that you will need to keep to religiously. One of the reasons models fail so quickly is lack of real discipline or experience as being their own bosses. As your own boss, YOU alone are responsible for showing up for work. At a real job, if you didn’t show up for work, they would fire you, but you’ll never fire yourself. Some webcam models, after developing a bad habit of taking off quickly, everything becomes an excuse for not coming to work, taking off early or cutting their work week off early. Wouldn’t we all LOVE to be able to do that at a real job, but you can’t, because they would fire you as you wouldn’t be a productive employee for their company. You must realize that you are not being productive for yourself when you do that, you are only hurting yourself and killing your chances at real success as a long term webcam model and making a real six-figure income.

How to Succeed as a Webcam Model? Another one of the common pitfalls will be not working on the busiest days of the week. If you were a Ford truck salesman or a high end watch or jewelry or clothing salesman and you wanted to make a living as a commissioned salesman, would you work on the days that nobody comes in? Would you choose to work the slowest days of the week, when the customer base is one quarter of what it would be on the busiest days of the week? If you say yes, then you are not a motivated salesman. You would not make it in sales and probably are not well equipped for the wonderful world of webcam modeling.

Indeed, if you want to know how to succeed as a webcam model and earn the MOST you can, there are many pitfalls to navigate and we can guide and teach you the tricks of the business, if YOU are up to the job of being an adult professional webcam model.

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